traditionell Restaurant — Paris
traditionell Restaurant — Paris
Cold Tofu with ginger and soy sauce
Steamed Japanese mushrooms with butter and soy sauce (que le soir)
Pork, Prawn, or Squid
Pork and Prawn, Prawn and Squid, Squid and Pork
Pork, Prawn and Squid,
Racines de lotus
Choose a sauce from these : normal sauce, salt garlic sauce (* fish) or sweet sauce ( For children )
Creap with sweet red bean paste
Yuzu or Matcha or both
A la base de chou vert, l'eau, un œuf, farine de blé, bouillon de poisson, ciboulette et gingembre. Avec sauce spéciale pour okonomiyaki, mayonnaise japonaise et poisson séché ( katsio - bushi )
Pork, Prawn, or Squid
Pork and Prawn, Prawn and Squid, Squid and Pork
Pork, Prawn and Squid,
Racines de lotus
Every parts can be make a gluten free ( Rice flour, +1.00 euros), without mayonnaise and without dried bonito. Please tell us.
Ponzu : soja avec agrumes